The Best Cacao Ceremony Guide for Newbies

Cacao, often referred to as the “Food of the Gods,” has been used in spiritual ceremonies for thousands of years, primarily by the indigenous peoples of Central and South America. This sacred plant medicine has gained popularity worldwide for its heart-opening and healing properties. If you're new to the practice of cacao ceremonies and want to understand how to create a meaningful and transformative experience, this guide will help you get started.

What Is a Cacao Ceremony?

A cacao ceremony is a sacred gathering where participants consume ceremonial-grade cacao in a ritualistic manner, often with the intention of healing, connecting to the heart, and enhancing spiritual growth. Unlike modern chocolate, ceremonial cacao is pure, minimally processed, and free from additives. It's prepared in a way that preserves its spiritual potency, making it ideal for use in ritual and meditation.

Cacao ceremonies can be held in groups or individually, and they provide a space for reflection, meditation, and emotional release.

Why Cacao?

Cacao is a natural heart-opener. It contains compounds such as theobromine, which gently stimulates the heart and increases blood flow, promoting feelings of openness, love, and connectedness. Additionally, cacao contains a wealth of antioxidants and nutrients that promote physical and emotional well-being.

Spiritually, cacao is believed to facilitate a deeper connection to self and the universe, making it a powerful tool for anyone seeking emotional healing, creativity, or spiritual awakening.

Why Ceremonial Grade Cacao Matters: A Sacred Difference

When participating in a cacao ceremony, using ceremonial grade cacao is essential. Unlike regular cacao or cocoa powder found in most stores, ceremonial grade cacao is specifically cultivated, harvested, and prepared for spiritual and medicinal use. Here’s why this distinction is so important:

1. Purity and Intention in Harvesting

Ceremonial grade cacao is sourced with deep respect for the earth, the cacao plant, and the indigenous traditions that have used it for centuries. It's harvested by hand, often in collaboration with indigenous communities that honor the spiritual significance of the plant. This cacao is grown with the intention of being used in ceremony, where the plant’s healing properties are amplified by the care and reverence in its preparation. Regular cacao, on the other hand, is typically mass-produced with a focus on quantity rather than quality, lacking the spiritual intention behind its cultivation.

2. Unprocessed and Whole

Ceremonial cacao is minimally processed to retain the full range of its natural nutrients and medicinal compounds, particularly theobromine, which opens the heart and facilitates emotional release during ceremonies. Regular cacao or cocoa powder is often processed at high temperatures (known as Dutch processing), which strips it of its natural vitality and reduces its healing properties.

3. Ethical Sourcing and Support for Indigenous Communities

By choosing ceremonial grade cacao, you're supporting ethical and sustainable farming practices, often directly benefiting indigenous communities who rely on these traditions for their livelihood. These practices are far removed from the large-scale, industrialized farming methods used to produce regular cacao, which can often involve unethical labor practices.

4. Energetic Alignment and Spiritual Connection

Ceremonial grade cacao is energetically aligned with the purpose of deep healing and spiritual awakening. Its preparation follows ancient wisdom, and it carries an energetic quality that regular cacao simply doesn’t possess. When used in ceremony, ceremonial cacao creates a heart-opening experience, supporting inner journeys of self-reflection, connection to nature, and spiritual growth. Regular cacao lacks this sacred preparation and intention, making it unsuitable for spiritual use.

In a cacao ceremony, your goal is not just to consume cacao but to engage with its spirit. Using ceremonial grade cacao ensures that you are honoring the full depth of this ancient tradition.

Continuing, let's guide you through all the steps on how to prepare your own cacao ceremony. From setting your intentions to properly preparing the ceremonial cacao, each step is an opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself and the spirit of the cacao plant. Whether you're hosting a personal ritual or inviting others to join, we'll walk you through the essential practices to create a transformative and heart-opening experience.

Step 1: How to Prepare for a Cacao Ceremony

Before beginning your cacao ceremony, it’s important to create a sacred space and set your intentions. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a Calm, Sacred Space: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Light candles, burn incense or Palo Santo, and play calming music to set the mood.

  2. Set Your Intentions: Take a few moments to reflect on your intentions for the ceremony. Whether it’s healing, finding clarity, or connecting to your inner self, the intention will guide the experience.

  3. Gather Your Materials: You’ll need ceremonial-grade cacao, water (or plant-based milk), a whisk or spoon, and any other items for your altar (crystals, flowers, or spiritual objects that hold meaning for you).

Step 2: Preparing Ceremonial Cacao

The preparation of the cacao itself is part of the ritual. Here’s how to make a simple and potent cacao drink for your ceremony:


  • 1-2 ounces of ceremonial-grade cacao
  • 1 cup of water or plant-based milk (almond, coconut, or oat milk work well)
  • Optional: a small pinch of cayenne, cinnamon, or natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup (keeping it as simple as possible is preferred in ceremonies)


  1. Heat the Water or Milk: Gently warm the liquid of your choice over low heat. Avoid boiling it, as high temperatures can destroy some of the cacao’s beneficial properties.

  2. Melt the Cacao: Add the cacao to the warm liquid and whisk until it’s completely melted and smooth. If you’re adding spices or sweeteners, now is the time to stir them in.

  3. Bless the Cacao: Before drinking, hold the cacao in your hands and take a moment to bless it. Offer gratitude for the plant medicine, the earth, and the spiritual guidance you seek.

  4. Sip Slowly: Drink the cacao mindfully, focusing on your intentions with each sip. Allow the cacao to open your heart and connect you to your inner self.

Step 3: The Ceremony Itself


Once the cacao is prepared and you've set your intentions, the ceremony begins. The beauty of cacao ceremonies is that they are deeply personal and can be adapted to fit your spiritual needs. Here are some simple steps to guide the experience:

  1. Grounding and Centering: Begin by sitting in a comfortable position and taking deep breaths to ground yourself. Feel your body relax and focus on the present moment.

  2. Meditation: After drinking the cacao, close your eyes and meditate. You may want to focus on your breath or use a guided meditation to deepen your experience. Allow the cacao to bring you into a state of openness and receptivity.

  3. Emotional Release: Cacao ceremonies can stir up deep emotions. If you feel emotional or tears arise, embrace the process and let go of any stored feelings. Cacao is here to help you heal.

  4. Journaling or Creative Expression: After the meditation, some people like to journal about their experiences, draw, or engage in creative activities. This is a great time to capture any insights or spiritual messages that come to you.

  5. Closing the Ceremony: End the ceremony by giving thanks. You can offer gratitude to the cacao spirit, to yourself, and to the universe. Close the ritual with a short prayer, affirmation, or moment of silence.

Here’s a specially curated YouTube playlist to enhance your ceremonial-grade cacao experience: CLICK HERE

Benefits of a Cacao Ceremony


Cacao ceremonies offer numerous benefits, both physically and spiritually. Here are some of the most common:

  • Heart-Opening: Theobromine in cacao enhances feelings of love, connection, and compassion, helping you connect deeply with yourself and others.

  • Emotional Healing: Cacao facilitates the release of stored emotions, providing a safe space to confront and heal past wounds.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Many participants find that cacao opens their minds to creative ideas, whether through art, writing, or problem-solving.

  • Increased Awareness: Through meditation and intention, cacao ceremonies promote mindfulness and can lead to profound spiritual awakenings.

Your Cacao Journey

Whether you're participating in a group ceremony or creating your own personal ritual, cacao is a powerful ally on the spiritual path. The key to a meaningful cacao ceremony lies in your intention, mindfulness, and willingness to open your heart. As you begin to work with this ancient plant medicine, you may find that each ceremony brings new insights and deeper levels of healing.

At Awake Healer, we provide ceremonial-grade cacao and other sacred tools to support your spiritual journey. Explore our collection to find everything you need to create your own cacao ritual and deepen your connection to self and spirit.