10 Foods to Completely Avoid Before an Ayahuasca Journey

Preparing for an Ayahuasca journey involves more than just setting intentions and creating a sacred space—it requires careful attention to what you put into your body. The days leading up to your ceremony are a time for cleansing and purification, both physically and spiritually. A major part of this preparation is following a specific diet, known as the Ayahuasca dieta, which is designed to help you align with the plant medicine and open yourself up to its teachings.

Certain foods can disrupt the delicate balance needed for a deep, safe, and transformative experience. These foods may block energy flow, increase physical discomfort, or interfere with the way Ayahuasca works within your body. Below, we highlight 10 foods that should be avoided before an Ayahuasca journey and explain why.

1. Meat (Especially Red Meat)

Meat, particularly red meat, is heavy, difficult to digest, and energetically dense. Consuming meat before an Ayahuasca ceremony can weigh down your body and block the flow of energy, making it harder for the medicine to work. Many traditions recommend avoiding all animal products to allow for spiritual clarity.

2. Dairy Products

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and butter, are known to cause inflammation and mucus build-up in the body. This can lead to discomfort during the ceremony, as well as fogginess in both mind and body. Avoiding dairy helps keep your system clean and open.

3. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods stimulate the digestive system and can cause irritation or discomfort, particularly in the stomach and intestines. Since Ayahuasca is known to cause purging (vomiting or diarrhea), consuming spicy foods beforehand can exacerbate this, making the experience more uncomfortable than necessary.

4. Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can affect your nervous system and create anxiety or restlessness, which can hinder your ability to fully surrender to the Ayahuasca experience. Avoid coffee, tea, and energy drinks in the days leading up to the ceremony to allow for a calmer and more focused mindset.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol not only clouds your mind but also lowers your energetic vibration, making it more difficult to connect with the spiritual insights Ayahuasca provides. It can also interfere with the medicine itself, leading to a less effective or even negative experience. It is essential to avoid alcohol for at least a week before your ceremony.

6. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, soy sauce, and miso contain tyramine, which can react negatively with the MAO inhibitors in Ayahuasca. This can lead to adverse physical reactions, such as increased blood pressure or headaches. It’s best to avoid these foods for at least 48 hours before your journey.

7. Sugar and Processed Foods

Refined sugars and processed foods are low in nutritional value and can cause blood sugar spikes, leading to imbalances in energy and mood. These foods can make you feel sluggish, distract your mind, and prevent you from fully connecting with the spiritual aspects of Ayahuasca.

8. Fried Foods

Fried foods are heavy on the digestive system and often contain unhealthy fats, which can contribute to nausea and discomfort during the ceremony. They can also block the free flow of energy in your body, preventing the full impact of the medicine from being received.

9. Salt

Excess salt can cause dehydration and disrupt your body's natural balance, making it harder to stay grounded during the ceremony. Traditional Ayahuasca dietas recommend reducing or eliminating salt to maintain optimal physical and energetic alignment.

10. Chocolate

While dark chocolate contains beneficial antioxidants, it also contains compounds like theobromine, which acts as a stimulant. Consuming chocolate before Ayahuasca can interfere with the medicine’s effects and stimulate the mind, preventing you from fully surrendering to the experience. Avoid chocolate, especially dark varieties, in the days leading up to your retreat.


The Ayahuasca diet is about more than just what you eat—it's about creating a space of purity and openness, both in your body and in your spirit. By avoiding these foods before your ceremony, you allow the medicine to work more deeply and effectively, fostering a deeper connection to the spiritual world.

At Awake Healer, we provide a variety of products that can support your journey, including plant medicines, ceremonial tools, and guides to help you prepare. Explore our offerings to enhance your spiritual practice and create the optimal conditions for your Ayahuasca retreat.